“There are some who have to say ‘come here, and we will help you,” explains Henrik Dal Jakobsen, Production Manager, Completion at AC Hydraulic.
Henrik has only positive things to say about the collaboration with High: five, which is now in its 7th year. A collaboration that has given young people who have been on the edge of the law another chance.
“The collaboration proved its worth a few months ago. It was a good kid who had an internship with us, and we wanted to keep him. However, he had another option on hand. Had the second dream not come true, he would have been here still.”
Via High: five, Henrik has been on a mentor course with many good features – and gained knowledge about dealing with the young people.
The young people who are helped by High: five have very different stories. Some have a simple stain on the criminal record, while others have been on edge with the law several times. Common to them all is that they want to have a normal life, and need help to move on in life.
“A really good and constructive collaboration, to the benefit of the young High Fives. At AC Hydraulic, they get good, stable and loyal employees without having to go through a temp agency, and the young people get a really good, stable and serious workplace – what’s not to like, ” says Ole Sund Søndergaard, Senior Consultant at High: five. It was he who knocked on the door of AC Hydraulic many years ago.