We are locally based and part of what we all gather around and are proud of.

Strong local roots

AC Group A / S has strong local roots and our history is built on proud traditions. It is important for us to be part of the continued development of the Viborg area, so we all have something to gather around and be proud of.

We do this, among other things, by sponsoring a large number of local players in sports and culture. We are present when the music plays, the running shoes are tied, the bike is pumped and the and the match has begun.

24 timers løbet
Betina Schmidt
Børn løber for børn
Nørremarkens Ungdoms- og Gymnastikforening
Pimpongs Talentskole
Søndermarkens Idrætsklub
Team Rynkeby
Viborg Atlet Klub
Viborg City Marathon
Viborg F.F.
Viborg HK
Viborg Kultur og Idrætsklub